ADTEK Vietnam Office - Văn Phòng ADTEK VIỆT NAM

Analogue to RS485 Converter

Mã sản phẩm PA-MTS
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Thông tin tóm tắt sản phẩm

Analogue to RS485 Converter PA-MTS is an analogue signal serial data controller product, through Modbus RTU mode`s universal protocol, making data collection and control more convenience PA- XTS uses Microchip DS PIC as main design structure. Equip with 8 or 16 Channel common ground analogue inpu

Hỗ trợ mua hàng

  • 0987599957 - 01222544688

  • Analogue to RS485 Converter
  • PA-MTS is an analogue signal serial data controller product, through Modbus RTU mode`s universal protocol, making data collection and control more convenience
  • PA- XTS uses Microchip DS PIC as main design structure. Equip with 8 or 16 Channel common ground analogue input, all channel isolated type is also available.
  • Tải file datasheet: Tại đây
Hỗ trợ trực tuyến
  • Khu vực TP. HCM Tel: 028 35 399 668
  • Mobile: 0772 544 688

  • QR Code zalo 0987599957


Khu vực TP. Hà Nội

  • Tel: 024 36 52 53 95
  • Mobile1: 098 75 999 57
  • QR CODE ZALO 0987599957
  • Mobile2: 0856 44 55 88
  • Hỗ trợ kỹ thuật ĐT: 0772544 688
  • QR CODE ZALO 0856445588

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